Prof. Dr. Kay Blaufus

30167 Hannover

by appointment
by appointment
by appointment
Focus in Research and Teaching
- Behavioral Taxation
- Tax Compliance and Tax Risk
- Tax impact on investment, financing and legal form decisions
Curriculum Vitae
1999 - 2004
Research assistant at the Institute for Business Taxation at the Free University of Berlin
Tax advisor exam
PhD (Dr. rer. pol.) at the Free University of BerlinOffer of the assistant professorship for business taxation at the Humboldt University of Berlin (declined)
2005 - 2008
Assistant professor for business taxation, finance, accounting and auditing at the Free University of Berlin
Offer of the W3 professorship for business administration, especially business taxation at the University of Paderborn (declined)
2008 - 2012
Holder of the W3 professorship for business administration, in particular finance and taxation at the European University Viadrina
Since April 2012
Holder of the W3 professorship for business administration, especially business taxation at the Leibniz University Hannover -
1993 - 1998
Studied business administration at the Free University of Berlin -
Memberships and Positions
- American Accounting Association
- arqus
- Standing Field Commitee Accounting of the German Economic Association
- DFG-Network „Behavioural Taxation“
- European Accounting Association
- German Association for Experimental Economic Research e.V.
- Schmalenbach Association for Business Administration e.V.
- German Academic Association of Business Research e.V. (VHB)
- Unternehmensbesteuerung
- Steuerliche Einkommensermittlung in nationalen und internationalen Unternehmen
- Seminar Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerplanungs- und wirkungslehre
- Seminar Internationale Steuerplanung
- Fallstudienseminar zur internationalen Unternehmensbesteuerung
- International Tax Planning
- Unternehmenskauf und Umwandlung
- Steuerliche Fallstudien zu Mergers & Acquisitions
- Unternehmensbesteuerung: Ertragsteuern
- Seminar Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre
- Seminar zur aktuellen Rechtsprechung des Bundesfinanzhofs
- Corporate and Individual Tax Planning